Peter Noyes PTO Leadership

Darren Bennett
Nicole Neuman
Matthew MacVicar
Asst. Treasurer
Molly Wilson
Preeti Joshi

Open PTO OFFICeriaL Positions

The PTO Officers (2 Co-Chairs, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary) are elected to serve 2-year terms. See below for positions open for election for the 2024-2025 school year. Please email if you have additional questions about the roles or would like to self-nominate for one of the open Officer positions. Elections will be held in spring of 2024 before the end of the school year.


Co-Chair (term 2024-2026)

Description: To enhance our children’s learning experiences by exposing them to activities, assemblies and tools that are not funded by the school district. The Co-Chair works in close collaboration with the other Executive Board members and the school Administration to make the above events, and more, happen to ensure a memorable academic year.


1. Organize and run following meetings: PTO leadership (monthly, 1.5hrs), public PTO meetings (quarterly, weekday evening, 1 hr), PTO executive board meetings (every other month, Friday @ noon, 1 hr).
2. Attend monthly meetings with Superintendent and other district elementary schools. Usually via zoom (1 hour, weekday during working hours).

3. Set the event calendar for the upcoming school year. Plan events that happen annually in collaboration with school admin staff to avoid conflicts with dates.
4. Constant communication with Principal and admin staff.
5. Oversee all committees under the purview of the PTO and PTO sponsored events. List available.

6. Help with staffing such committees and events with volunteers and provide assistance as needed.

7. Review contracts and negotiate contracts with vendors such as photography, yearbook, and AtoZ Connect, Membership Toolkit in collaboration with respective committees.

8. Manage PTO gmail account.
9. Update PTO records (Google Drive) as needed.


Time Commitment:
It varies per month; generally more time consuming in the fall. Once committees are in place, it’s management and being point of contact in case assistance is needed. About 4-8 hours a month; fall and spring are busiest. 


Treasurer (term 2024-2026)

Description: Responsible for the financial aspects of the PTO.


Key Responsibilities:
1. Balancing Checkbook
2. Writing checks for PTO expenses
3. Setting the budget
4. Preparing annual taxes
5. Responsible for tax exempt status

6. Attend and present updates as needed at PTO leadership (monthly, 1.5hrs), General school-wide PTO meetings (quarterly, weekday evening, 1 hr), PTO executive board meetings (every other month, Friday at noon, 1 hr)


1. Support annual events (budgets, income and expenses)


Time Commitment:
1-4 hours a week, mostly on the computer from home. The beginning of the year is the busiest. The tax return preparation is time consuming.

Assistant Treasurer (term 2024-2026)
Description: Responsible for cash & deposit aspects of the PTO


Key Responsibilities:
1. Arrange to meet the cash needs of fund­raising events
2. Deposit cash and checks from fund­raising events
3. Communicate transactions to Treasurer & Co-­Chairs


1. Support annual events (cash and deposits)


Time Commitment:
An hour a week for the entire year on average, more or less depending on the number of events taking place. Preparing and making bank deposits can be very time consuming.

Secretary (term 2024-2026)

Description: Prepare agenda for essential PTO meetings and record, disseminate and archive minutes.


Key Responsibilities:


1. Attend General (school-wide) and Executive Board PTO meetings. 

2. Prepare Agenda for general and Exec Board PTO meetings in cooperation with committee chairs & PTO co-chairs

3. Generate and disseminate minutes (electronic and paper)

4. Send PTO email blasts per instruction by the co-­chairs.



1. In addition to the primary tasks, the secretary is encouraged to help out with PTO events run throughout the school year.

2. In addition to core PTO meetings, secretary is encouraged to attend monthly PTO leadership meetings. 


Time Commitment:

Approximately 6 hours per month from September through June (includes meeting attendance and report generation). Executive Board meetings are every other month on a Friday at noon; PTO general meetings are 3x year on a weekday evening.


OPEN Committee Chair POSITIONS

Committee chair positions are filled by the PTO co-chairs as needed (i.e., they are non-elected roles). The following roles will be open for the 2024-2025 school year. Please consider volunteering now, so you can shadow the current chair and be ready to step into the role when the fall rolls around!


Directory Coordinator

Description: The Noyes PTO is looking for a Directory Chair starting from the year 2024-2025 onwards. In this unique role you will work with Noyes administrators, the PTO leadership, and an external vendor.


Key Responsibilities: Accurately compiling the student Directory, publishing the directory, and troubleshooting throughout the year.


Time Commitment:  Flexible timing, working from home, and is busiest from September to October.  The outgoing chair is happy to help ease the transition to the new role.


Spring Auction Co-Chairs (3)

Description: Organize, plan and execute a school wide parent event to raise money for Peter Noyes (typically parent night out auction).


Key Responsibilities:
1. Set date for Auction Event
2. Determine location and date/time
3. Work with volunteers to solicit donations
4. Arrange for event details (decorations, food, drinks) (if in person; Noyes 2024 spring auction is online only)
5. Invitations/Ticket Sales/social promotion
6. Contract Auctioneer
7. Set up credit card payments
8. Responsible for PTO budget for this event.

Time Commitment: Fall – minimal. November – January – 3 hours per week. February & March –
VERY Busy. About 10 to 20 hours per week.


Event(s) Coordinator 


Are you a people person who isn’t afraid to strike up a conversation with a stranger? We are looking for a parent volunteer coordinator who would be able to recruit helpers for upcoming programs and events and to help parents find the best way to plug in to our school community. If you are a “people person” and understand it takes a village, join our PTO and help us do even more great things for our school!!


Sponsorship Fundraising Coordinator 


Our parent group does a lot more than just fundraising, but without it, we wouldn’t be able to do much. We are seeking an upbeat, detail-oriented parent to coordinate our fundraising efforts. The ideal candidate is able to motivate parents and rally the community to support our school through sponsorships and funding opportunities.


Science Fair Chair


Do you have a passion for nurturing a love for science in young minds and a knack for organization and coordination? The science fair chair organizes volunteers to judge/run/set up/break down the event, communicates about the event to students/parents/teachers, manages student registration and certificates, and runs the event on the day of. This event occurs in the spring, with most of the work happening in the couple of months before the fair. Sign up as chair early and secure your volunteer team now!


Book Fair Committee

Is there anything more heart-melting than watching a kid fall in love with books? Have a seat on the front lines of this cute-fest. Work with the book fair committee chair and a team of other volunteers to help with the planning and help at the fair.


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Sudbury Food Pantry